Creator of the universe,
Watch over those who fly,
Through the great space beyond the earth,
And worlds beyond the sky.
O God, who rules the heart and mind,
And takes away all fear,
O God who saves with tender might,
And calms the wind, draw near.
Thy presence, felt with boundless love,
Wherever they may go,
Thy Spirit, gentle as a dove,
Be thou the God they know.
Eternal Father, strong to save,
In prayer before Thy light;
In solitude of sovereign grace,
Grant courage for each flight. Amen.
Words and Music by
James F. Linzey
Former Air Force Captain
On February 12, 2020, Rev. James F. Linzey, who served as a highly decorated Air Force Captain, felt led by Almighty God to write the Space Force Hymn. He set his pen to paper the next day. He had been working on the hymn on an old upright piano that was out of tune in the former Dalton Museum building in Coffeyville, Kansas, which he was cleaning.
On February 22, 2020, he completed the hymn, creating what many believe to be his lasting legacy for the Department of the Air Force, for which he served for 12 years. Coffeyville proudly serves as "Home of the United States Space Force Hymn," 'Creator of the Universe.'